Monday, September 23, 2013

What's up! 3 questionssssss

1. I have been beyond stressed. I am like drowning in chemistry:( BUT I have been able to keep up and complete my tasks. We have done a lot of labs!!! These labs have had to do with solubility and molarity. We had a huge cation and anion lab and completed a quiz! yay :)

2. I feel like I am overloaded with information. There are a couple of things that have stuck like; molarity, solubility, disassociation, and solvation!!! 

3. Next, I'm going to work harder than I have ever worked to get a grasp on everything we are learning, and hope for the best!


We completed a titration lab! The purpose of this lab was to determine the molarity of a sulfuric acid in NaOH. First we began the procedure by placing 20 mL of diluted sulfuric acid into a flask. We then added three drops of the indicator Phenolphthalein, to the solution. We then placed a small magnet in the flask to secure it to a magnetic plate. The magnetic plate constantly stirred the solution. Above the flask, we placed a buret with NaOH and slowly added in the NaOH. The indicator that we added turned light pink, allowing us to know the acid had been neutralized.

The added NaOH turned the indicator pink but quickly dispersed. This picture was taken while the NaOH was mixing. The final color was not this dark.

The color of pink desired was light pink, not dark pink. We obtained the light pink color in two trials in which we added 18.4 mL of NaOH. 


Based on our calculations we used .0184 mol of NaOH. We multiplied the mole ratio of H2SO4 to NaOH, getting the number .0092 moles of H2SO4. We then divided by the whole, .020L to get the molarity .46M  of H2SO4.

Solubility Lab and Rules! :D

A couple weeks ago we did yet another lab, yay! In this specific lab, the materials included different solutions containing either cations or anions. We then combined the different solutions to determine solubility. I put my observations in a chart. It's a little messy but here it is;

From the results, we were able to conclude solubility rules about the anions and cations.

  • NO3 is ALWAYS soluble
  • Cl is ALWAYS soluble (except for Pb and Ag)
  • Po4 is usually solube (except for alkaline metals)
  • SO4 is always soluble (except for Pb)

  • All alkali metals are soluble (Na, K, NH4)
  • Silver is insoluble (except bonds with Sulfate and Nitrate)
  • Lead is insoluble (except bonds with Nitrate)
  • Ammonium is ALWAYS soluble

Friday, September 13, 2013

Electrolytes and Solutions!

Learning Objectives!
  • Review definitions of solution and electrolytes
  • Can you create a particle diagram of a salt solution?
  • Can you create two different concentrations of salt solutions and qualitatively demonstrate this difference?
  • Can you mathematically show the difference in concentration and provide the calculations to justify it?
A solution is defined as a homogeneous mixture of 2 or more substances. An electrolyte is a substance that disassociates into ions when dissolved in water. 

An example of a solution would be salt water. 
We qualitively demonstrated the difference between two different salt solutions. These solutions contained different amounts of salt and water. One solution consisted of 100 mL of distilled water and 2.5 grams of salt. The other solution had a massive amount of distilled water at 600 mL and a mere .1g of salt. 

We then tested the electrolytes in the water by seeing if the solution would conduct electricity and how much of it. We used this scary looking thing with two prongs and a light bulb attached. The results produced are in the pictures below. 

Beaker with 100 mL of distilled water and 2.5 grams of salt.

This beaker obviously contained the 600 mL of water and .1 grams of salt! This solution was our attempt to create tap water. It was a bit difficult to create the same amount of light that the tap water did. You can compare our light to the tap water's light with the picture below!


Here is how we calculated our data to show the difference in concentration: REMEMBER WE WANT TO GET TO MOLES TO OBTAIN MOLARITY. MOLARITY= MOL/LITER


Monday, September 9, 2013

Three Questions!!!!!!

We have completed SO MUCH recently. We have done several labs, some on law of conservation of mass, limiting reagents, and green chemistry! We have done several quizzes as well. 

I've learned a lot including percent yield, limiting reagents, and combustion analysis. I am in the process of completely understanding stoichiometry and green chemistry. 

Next I plan on retaking quizzes, reading through my notes, and other ways of studying to reinforce this material! :)